6 Μάι

Εντυπωσιάζει η Lady Gaga με το “Hold My Hand”

Το φαινόμενο Lady Gaga επιστρέφει με το νέο της single “Hold My Hand” που ακούγεται στη ταινία Top Gun: Maverick.

To “Hold My Hand” είναι σε παραγωγή των Lady Gaga, BloodPop & Benjamin Rice.

Επίσης η κινηματογραφική εκδοχή του τραγουδιού “Hold My Hand” συμπεριλαμβάνει στην παραγωγή και τη συμβολή των βραβευμένων με Oscar, Hans Zimmer & Harold Faltemeyer.

To “Hold My Hand” σηματοδοτεί την επιστροφή της Gaga στους δικούς της στίχους και παραγωγή, μετά τη μουσική που επιμελήθηκε η ίδια με το soundtrack album της ταινίας “A Star Is Born”.

“When I wrote this song for Top Gun: Maverick, I didn’t even realize the multiple layers it spanned across the film’s heart, my own psyche, and the nature of the world we’ve been living in. I’ve been working on it for years, perfecting it, trying to make it ours. I wanted to make music into a song where we share our deep need to both be understood and try to understand each other—a longing to be close when we feel so far away and an ability to celebrate life’s heroes,” Gaga wrote in a recent Instagram post. “I’m so grateful to Tom and Hans and Joe for this opportunity—and it’s been a beautiful experience working with them. Me, BloodPop, Ben Rice and everyone else who worked on it with us are so excited to share it with you. This song is a love letter to the world during and after a very hard time. I’ve wanted you to hear it for so long. And I’m so excited to give it to you on May 3.” – Lady Gaga